Monday, April 12, 2010


Ah Facecrack, Faceface, Facehack; whatever you want to call it, it's here and it's sticking around for quite a while.

I think that Facebook can be very useful. I indeed have a facebook and use it extensively. I really don't care what anyone scorred on Farmville, but that's what blocking applications is for! Seriously, I think facebook would be much better without applications. Almost all of them are faddy (They're a fad that's useless and fat-building).

But finding out that someone whom you haven't talked to in a while is pregnant/ going through a horrible break up/ dying of terminal cancer, is a great way to find out something new in the morning!

Has anyone heard of Schadenfreude? I think the beauty of Schadenfreude is best illustrated with social networking sites like Facebook. We just all have an inate desire to know what's going on in the world and Facebook is my daily dose of gossip, first thing in the morning! I don't check it obsessively on my phone, mostly because my phone is still living in the dark ages without internet, but I do check it several times a day to keep updated. Plus I get everything all in one with Facebook. All my friends photos, all their news and links. Take that twitter and your anoying mandatory tiny urls.

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