Monday, March 29, 2010


1) I explored Delicious. I actually have no sarcastic comments for the display options themselves, they were useful. Though, my immediate thoughts were to how colourful and interesting these pages are! That was sarcasm, in case you're wondering.

2) I am really liking the names and styles of some of the other library staff's blogs. I can identify with MondayMoods sentiments about Delicious not having any visual aspect. I mean, come on! Have they ever even heard of Icons? At the very least some icons that correspong with the tags would be nice! All in all though it's super hard to find info on it based on it's style. The text is just everywhere and there is way too much info for my liking. Clean and simple is best in some cases.

3)What are the advantages of storing, sharing, and tagging web content this way? What are the disadvantages?
  • It makes lists of hyperlinks! If only there weren't a billion other programs that did that... *Sigh*
  • You can search by tags.. that's something you can't do on word!

  • It sucks for people who are visual learners.
  • It's got huge amounts of white space on some pages and WAY too much text on others.

If Delicious was blog style with photos or screen shots of websites it would be far more interesting.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Weblog 1

I've always wanted to create a blog full of sarcastic witicisms and funny-but-unfortnuately-true stories. Now here is my chance!

First Point: I had no idea where the name 'blog' came from until today. Yet I have been blogging on other bloggie-type blog things for well over a year.... interesting...

Well when I mean 'well over a year' it's more like less than a year. Nevertheless, 7 months is a considerable amount of time to be dedicated to something.

First Question: Which Aspects of Web 2.0 are you most intreagued/ scared by?

Is Chatroulette considered Web 2.0? According to the definition of Web 2.0 in our illustrious Wikipedia, then yes it is. So I am definitely going to have to say that chatroulette is the most bizarre/ scarry thing in the world of Web 2.0. More specifically, it's the random happenstance of web 2.0 whereas normal people, like moi, happen upon perverts/completely crazy people like most of those whom I assume inhabit freaky chatrooms and chatroulette. It's the fact that identitiy thieves can easily search your house on google street view after hacking into your bank account. The Web is far too personal sometimes, for in our quest to become internet celebrities we somehow decided, collectively, that there is no longer anything called 'privacy'.

Alright, technically those were sort-of two points. To sum it up: Web 2.0 is scary because a)you have the unfiltered opportunity to meet people who are anonymous and are likely crazy; yet b) there is way too much personal information available on the internet which facilitates you being located by these scary people.